Its here! Hip Daddy + Haute Dads Fathers Day photo contest winner's feature story!
Campion Platt and his wife, Tatiana Platt both "believe boys should be boys and girls should be girls. Meaning girls should get to wear cream puff tutu skirts and big bows (which their girls love to do), and boys should be relaxed and active, white and turquoise polo shirts on Fox bring out his amazing blue eyes."
CAMPION PLATT Villebrequin pants and Calvin Klein tee // FOX Ralph Lauren Polo // XENIA & RIVOLI Penelope Mack
Campion is an amazing dad, way more hands on than most. He is patient, doting and caring (he is also a Buddhist). From the time the kids were born, they have all swam in the ocean - they literally started swimming at 1 month old and Campion taught them all. They are now all amazing swimmers, even their camp counselors are blown away.
Campion's current focus is on healthy living. He is gluten free and even built his family a scrumptious organic vegetable garden this summer! Campion is a great cook and throws together amazing healthy meals from their family's garden. Campion can be recently seen in the current July issue of Beach magazine.